Fee Structure

Fee Structure of all Courses .

UG Courses
Sl.No.CourseFee Structure (Tuition fee)
1BCom with FinanceRs. 10080/- per semester *
2BCom with Computer ApplicationRs. 12600/- per semester *
3 BA English Rs. 10080/- per semester *
4BSc Physics Rs. 12600/- per semester *
5BCom CooperationRs. 10080/- per semester *
6BBA HRMRs. 10080/- per semester *
7B.A Journalism and mass communicationRs. 21000/- per semester *

PG Courses
Sl.No.CourseFee Structure (Tuition fee)
1M COMRs. 21000/- per semester *

* Subject revision by Govt. of Kerala from time to time

In addition to the tuition fee, students are to pay Caution deposit for Arts and Commerce subjects 1000/-, Laboratory fees will be informed later and caution deposit for science subjects 1500/-, Fee prescribed by the University from time to time.Rs.700/- Union fee (Calicut University Union Fee, Sports Affiliation Fee, College Union Fund, Magazine Fee etc. approx.800) at the time of admission.

* Fee subject by The Universityof Calicut from time to time

Admission of I semester students will be completed only on remittance of the prescribed fees.Students are to remit their semester fee of subsequent semesters within 15 days of the commencement of the semesters. Late payment of tuition fee is subject to fine

Students who have not paid the tuition fee for a semester in the prescribed time shall not be eligible for promotion to the subsequent semesters.

Management Quota

For admission under management quota applicant will have to apply in the prescribed form which can be had from the college office on payment of Rs.500/- and submit the same within 7 days of the last date for submission of merit quota admission forms.

Management reserves the right to deny admission under this quota to any candidate without assignrig the reason.

Refund of Caution Deposit

Students are expected to keep the receipt of the caution deposit. They will not be eligible for the refund of the caution deposit if originals of the caution deposit receipt are not produced. Any disfiguring or destruction of college infrastructure shall inlfoke individual fine deductible from the causion deposit


Students who discontinue after getting admitted for a course are liable to pay all semester fees for the year of study

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